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  • Anotherjohn


    Tribe Topic
    Property-a-holics Gove's gone!
    Property-a-holics Politicians... Hello!!!
    Property-a-holics Hamptons say Make Government Landlords
    Property-a-holics The media says - Slum is a Palace
    Banking, Equity, & Debt Landlord arrears rocket - Up 29% on prev qtr
    Tax Suggest CGT break for beneficial use?
    Property-a-holics Lender & LL possessions Apr-June 2023
    Property-a-holics Renters Pay 4x More Income Than Owners
    Property-a-holics Growth of BTR homes slowed, suggests report
    Property-a-holics EPC legislation discriminates - why?
    Holiday Lets Ministers propose stricter rules for short term lets
    Short Term Rentals Register for short-term lets?
    Property-a-holics 81% of tenants are happy with their landlord
    Property-a-holics Phew - only a 0.5% Base Rate rise today
    Community I hope DL - Dislexic Landlord - is okay?
    Property-a-holics Boo-Hoo for another 'poor' LL - Telegraph
    Property-a-holics Interest Rate held at 0.1%
    Community Halloween Tip
    Property-a-holics Government "How to Let" Guide
    HMO & Multi-Lets HB LHA rates for HMO tenants?