We take complaints on PropertyTribes very seriously, and operate a proven, reliable, and impartial Complaints Procedure based on Home Office pre-action protocols.
If you have any complaints about content on PropertyTribes, then please use the procedure below and the moderator will look into it and take the appropriate action.
Complaint about a member of the forum
If your complaint is about a person and/or user on PropertyTribes then you should:
- Send a link to their profile by clicking on their avatar and copying and pasting a link.
- Give reason as to why they are causing concern.
- Send any associated links to back up your reasoning.
To send a ‘permalink’ to a post and/or thread you should:
Click on the arrow (top right of the post) , select ‘link to post’, copy said link and email to the moderator with the above description (no 2). (See diagram below).
You can also choose to "mute" or "block" the person using the drop down arrow top right of their post and selecting the option you want.
Complaint about content on Property Tribes
If your complaint is about content written on PropertyTribes, there is no need to involve solicitors in the first instance, as informal resolution is available via our Complaints Procedure and is simply a matter of letting the moderator know which posts you feel are defamatory or that you have an issue with:
- Send a ‘permalink’ to the post or posts in question by clicking on the upside-down arrow of each post top right to open up the drawer and make a selection from the options. (See diagram below).
- With the link you should send an explanation as to why the content in question has issues and supply your own evidence if appropriate.

You should then email your complaint to the moderator - nicktadd (at)
The procedure\s above will allow the moderator to deal with your complaint in a timely manner. The moderator will write to you with the outcome of the moderation action he has taken, if any.
Address of the moderator: Property Tribes Ltd, c/o 69 High Street, London, England, N14 6LD