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    Tribe Topic
    Tax HMRC issue "STOP notice" to Property118
    Tax Will CGT rises stop landlords selling up?
    Buy-to-Let Openrent = No longer on Rightmove
    Tax Property118 crowdfunding to fund Tax Tribunal
    Property-a-holics Landlords respond to King's Speech
    Property-a-holics Anyone NOT enjoy being a LL, and why?
    Mortgages & Finance WIIFY ............
    Property-a-holics Landlords selling up due to fear of Labour
    Property-a-holics Aging landlords falling off PRS perch?
    Buy-to-Let Rent free - Socialists' wet dream.....
    Mortgages & Finance 3% Barclay mtge penalty negotiate?
    Buy-to-Let Electric Heating - Storage vs Panel heating
    Property-a-holics Landlords intentions to sell up - straw poll
    Buy-to-Let Tenant reporting cockroaches!!
    Mortgages & Finance Struggling to get ltd. co. BTL mortgage!