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  • Landlord77


    Tribe Topic
    Property-a-holics Moving in with partner - Question?
    Leasehold Property Ground floor flats - security issue?
    Property-a-holics Will agents say why last sale fell through?
    Property-a-holics Things to consider about this property?
    Property-a-holics Lodgers - access to communal areas restricted
    Property-a-holics I'm going to buy my first property soon
    Property-a-holics Can a EA refuse you seeing properties?
    Deal Finding & Analysis Can you offer £40,000 below asking price?
    Mortgages & Finance Can you ask a bank for a higher mortgage?
    Buy-to-Let Is BTL worth it with minimal passive income?
    Mortgages & Finance Should I talk to a mortgage advisor now?
    Deal Finding & Analysis Greatest discount achieved on a deal?
    Mortgages & Finance Pro's & Cons of Sole Owner Joint Proprietor
    Property-a-holics Is this a feasible plan?
    Property-a-holics Buying my first property
    Buy-to-Let 22 year old wanting to BTL
    Property-a-holics Should I get a property like this?
    Property-a-holics Few questions re taking in lodgers
    Property-a-holics Is renting to a lodger easy/straight forward?
    Buy-to-Let Can you BTL a flat?