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  • Hudson01

    Simon Logan

    Tribe Topic
    Buy-to-Let Rent free - Socialists' wet dream.....
    Buy-to-Let Advice on no rent increase for 5 years
    Property-a-holics Landlords respond to King's Speech
    Buy-to-Let Rapid Secure charging me - am I liable?
    Property Management How to get tenants to deal with damp they caused?
    Buy-to-Let A Red day for the UK.......
    Buy-to-Let NRLA - the same as the AA for Landlords?
    Buy-to-Let 4 out of 5 Homes can achieve C rating.....
    Buy-to-Let Labour: "Time is up for bad landlords"
    Buy-to-Let Government planning to push landlords to extinction?
    Buy-to-Let Sound familiar? Aussie landlords threaten to bite back!
    Buy-to-Let Mould and crack in wardrobe - advice needed
    Buy-to-Let BTL in personal name
    Buy-to-Let Bollard on Parking Bay
    Buy-to-Let Giving Notice to Tenant - s21 law changes?
    Buy-to-Let DRO (Debt Relief Order) - implications?
    Buy-to-Let Generation Rent hit back at NRLA commentary
    Buy-to-Let "Blame the government, not landlords"
    Buy-to-Let Allow cancer diagnosis to determine BTL exit?
    Buy-to-Let Decline and fall of BTL: landlord story