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  • Jamie Wilbur

    Tribe Topic
    Tax Sunak pledges tax break for landlords
    Mortgages & Finance Paying down mortgages as interest rates rise?
    Buy-to-Let Remortgaging more to invest in BTL?
    LHA/Universal Credit Can a tenant stop direct U.C payments ?
    Mortgages & Finance Dilemma 2,3 or 5 year Fixed - what to do
    Buy-to-Let Have you planned your exit?
    Buy-to-Let Higher interest payments = more tax relief?
    Buy-to-Let What is your biggest concern for BTL in 2024?
    Buy-to-Let So who’s got guests instead of tenants ?
    Buy-to-Let Will 2024 be the time to expand in BTL again?
    Mortgages & Finance Add mortgage cost to loan or pay upfront ?
    Property-a-holics My numbers give a true outlook of BTL
    Wanted & Recommendations Selling portfolio to specialist buyer
    Mortgages & Finance DOWN DOWn DOwn Down down ....
    Property-a-holics Government needs drastic wake up call!
    Buy-to-Let Increasing rent forecast causes TAX issues
    Mortgages & Finance Rates going up but some coming down
    Property Yields 8% 8% 8% in 2020 or it's not worth the effort
    Mortgages & Finance 2 or 5 year fixed rates - which one is best ?
    Tax Moving private portfolio easily to a Ltd Co.