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  • Naz

    Narinder Lidder

    Tribe Topic
    HMO & Multi-Lets Transition from student landlord nightmare
    Buy-to-Let New tenancy agreement or deed of assignment?
    Wanted & Recommendations Seeking utility bundler for professional hmo
    Deposit Protection Deposit not registered in time - remedy?
    HMO & Multi-Lets How to sue my water company - advice needed
    Property Management Still worth insulating to get an EPC "C"?
    HMO & Multi-Lets Tenant wants key for girlfriend??
    HMO & Multi-Lets Article 4 HMO license- don't forget planning
    HMO & Multi-Lets Fire risk assessments - legal requirement?
    HMO & Multi-Lets Asbestos reports - legal requirement?
    HMO & Multi-Lets Hot water system for 5 ensuite showers
    HMO & Multi-Lets Jack it all in or soldier on?
    HMO & Multi-Lets Factoring in gas price rises?
    Refurbish/Develop Applicatio for council tax exemption rejected
    HMO & Multi-Lets Sound proofing a Victorian conversion( help)
    Buy-to-Let Deed of assignment best way forward?
    Refurbish/Develop Party wall agreement for chimney removal?
    Buy-to-Let Selling property before tenants move in ?
    HMO & Multi-Lets Applying for a change of use ?
    Holiday Lets Kingsize "zip & link" beds - suppliers wanted