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  • Vanessa Warwick

    Vanessa Warwick

    Tribe Topic
    Legal FAQs S21 Court fees recoverable from tenant?
    LHA/Universal Credit Universal Credit/LHA up-dates & tribunals
    Mortgages & Finance Yay! BTL mortgage rates are dropping!
    Property Management EPCs - landlord perspective with EPC Choice
    Tax HMRC issue "STOP notice" to Property118
    Buy-to-Let Tenant reporting cockroaches!!
    Financial Advice Set up trust to pay off mortgage?
    Mortgages & Finance Struggling to get ltd. co. BTL mortgage!
    Property Management Letting agent exit fees
    Tax Property118 crowdfunding to fund Tax Tribunal
    Property-a-holics Anyone enjoying being a Landlord?
    Tenant Referencing Accept a tenant based on a gut feeling?
    Property-a-holics Landlords intentions to sell up - straw poll
    Property-a-holics Landlords selling up due to fear of Labour
    Wanted & Recommendations Fraud and Debt collection solicitor
    Property-a-holics Aging landlords falling off PRS perch?
    Property-a-holics Anyone NOT enjoy being a LL, and why?
    Property-a-holics Turning one property into two at no expense
    Insurance Life insurance quotes
    Buy-to-Let Instant Access Properties and the case against Jim Moore, and Anthony McKay- clean u