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  • Vanessa Warwick

    Vanessa Warwick

    Tribe Topic
    Investors in Distress I breached an NDA to mind the GAP
    Property-a-holics “Lady Pea” back in the news…
    LHA/Universal Credit Overpaid rent
    Property-a-holics "Sounding Board" service
    Property-a-holics Which is the best route to purchase?
    HMO & Multi-Lets Transition from student landlord nightmare
    Overseas Investing International property investment
    Wanted & Recommendations Best property training for deal sourcing?
    Property Management Serious issues - Yourgaff Ltd letting agent
    Problem Tenants Tenant not paying rent - need legal help!
    Refurbish/Develop PT member project - Stewardson Developments
    Buy-to-Let Furnished or unfurnished?
    Insurance The power of Rent Guarantee Insurance (RGI)
    Tax Property118 tax avoidance? DOTAS number alert
    Property-a-holics Who will get the landlords' vote, and why?
    Property-a-holics Ed Miliband and the march to C rating
    HMO & Multi-Lets HMOs in the spotlight at Conference
    Refurbish/Develop Directory of Property Tribes members' refurbishment projects.
    Rent-to-Rent Pay £25K upfront for Rent to Rent scheme
    Legal FAQs Should I be concerned about sub-letting?